segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2009

Let your mind relax

Let your mind relax. Let your mind relax and expand, mixing with the sky in front of it. Then notice: the clouds float by in the sky, and you are effortlessly aware of them. Feelings float by in the body, and you are effortlessly aware of them, too. Thoughts float by in the mind, and you are aware of them as well. Nature floats by, feelings float by, thoughts float by... and you are aware of all of them.
So tell me: Who are you?
You are not your thoughts, for you are aware of them. You are not your feelings for you are aware of them. You are not any objects that you can see, for you are aware of them too.
Something in you is aware of all of all these things. So tell me: What is it in you that is conscious of everything?
What is it in you that is always awake? Always fully present? Something in you right now is effortlessly noticing everything that arises. What is that?
That vast infinite witnessing awareness, don't you recognize it? What is that witness?
You are that Witness, aren't you? You are the pure Seer, pure awareness, the pure Spirit that impartially witnesses everything that arises, moment to moment. Your awareness is spacious, wide open, empty and clear, and yet it registers everything that arises.
That very Witness is Spirit within, looking out on a world that is created. It sees but cannot be seen; it hears but cannot be heard; it knows but cannot be known. It is Spirit itself that sees with your eyes, speaks with your lips, hears with your ears, reaches out with your arms....
Ken Wilber
(texto muito bom que peguei do perfil de um amigo no orkut)

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